Sunday, September 8, 2024

Blodhren: 2017 - 2024

Band Links





Apple Music


Band Logos

Band Members 

Blodhren 1.0

Ox Blodhren
Steve Boothe
Norman LaStrange
Allen Christian

Blodhren 2.0

Ox Blodhren
Norman LaStrange
Allen Christian
Joseph Caldwell

Blodhren 3.0

Allen Christian
Norman LaStrange
Grant Tomey
Ox Blodhren

Blodhren 4.0

Jack Ingraham
Grant Tomey
Allen Christian
Ox Blodhren

Album Releases

Self Titled (2019)

Hate the State (2024)

01 - Nerve endings (The Silence)
02 - Fight
03 - Running to the Light
04 - Obsolete
05 - I am Terror
06 - Hate the State
07 - Sail or Die


Band Merch
(Though the years)

Show Flyers
(At least the ones we saved)


Tuesday, May 7, 2024


 Her calm, her violence

A whisper and fury

Her cold, suffocating touch

She’s calling out to me

A few gasps of air

What was once daylight

Gives way to the darkness

She’s calling out to me

The harder I swim

The closer she gets

Her essence consuming

Shes calling out to me

My strength, exhausted

My vision, faded

My will, broken

She’s calling out to me

One last mayday

As I reach for her embrace

My life becomes hers

No longer does she call out to me

Wednesday, February 14, 2024


 The hammer once wielded

To shatter this cold, hopeless heart

To be rebuilt with two

The hammer that built a life

With every imperfect and twisted board

Held together with such fragile nails

The hammer

 The worn handle

The bent claws

The scarred head

The hammer that so fiercely

Tore it all down

To build it all back




That hammer

That has stood the test

Through hell itself

That hammer passed down

Called upon again

To shatter this old, aging heart

The heart

Not warm enough

Not strong enough 

Not big enough

This hammer must fiercely

Tear this heart down

To build it all back




Where there used to be room

For barely one

Then two



This hammer

That has stood the test

Needs to build room for more

Sunday, May 31, 2020


The sun slowly melted,
into the silent earth.
The warmth that once existed,
dissipating into the darkness.

We sat there,
in the last life boat.
A husband.
A son.
A void.

How do you talk to a phantom?
How do you embrace a ghost?

To find yourself the soul survivor,
on a ship once filled,
with all the loved ones,
you soo adored as a child.

All the memories, the feelings,
the triumphs and the tragedies,
descends into the deep,
43 leagues under the dark seas.

It doesnt matter,
how far you see the iceberg away.
It doesn't matter,
how you ready your faithful crew.
None of it matters,
when you feel the impact
and know that all hope is lost.

We sit there,
in the last life boat.
A husband.
A son.
A void.

Waiting for solace,
for comfort,
for peace,
for something.

Something to rescue us,
from this sea of grief,
this ocean of pain,
this emptiness,

this void.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Sleep the Angels Tonight

Sleep the angels tonight
The stars in heaven
Hold them tight

The promise of tomorrow
In dreams of today
Broken wings of humanity

All the hurt, all the pain
Crashing down in flames

All the fear, all these years
Rushing back, river of tears

All of the loss
Can't count the cost
Things will never be the same
Now and forever changed

They arrise
From their slumber
Pestilence, War, 
Famine, Destruction

No use to run and hide
The horsemen will ride
Prepare as you might
The angels wake tonight

Monday, February 10, 2020


Should I know you?
Seems we met some place before.
A face so familiar,
but beyond that, just mystery.

Did I know you?
Faded memories or a touch of déjà vu.
A tangible existence,
Or maybe just a phantom fabrication.

Could I know you?
There's always the probability.
But the possibility,
Those are fleeting odds at best.

Will I ever know you?
If given the chance?
An olive branch for knowledge.
To a stranger, from a son.

Thursday, January 24, 2019


In this I find,
What lies inside,
Weary heart,

In this I find,
My child's eyes,
Pure, innocent,

In this I find,
Through lovers touch,
Warm embrace,

In this I find,
This world, mine,
Love, forgiveness,